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ARP (HEERF III) Student Portion Disclosure

以下是弗吉尼亚理工大学根据美国救援计划(ARP)第18004(a)(1)条要求的季度末资金季度报告 June 30, 2022.

维吉尼亚理工大学,按照美国大学的要求.S. Department of Education, 承认并签署了为学生提供紧急助学金的协议. 根据ARP,弗吉尼亚理工大学获得24,850,725美元用于向学生提供助学金. Virginia Tech estimates that up to 37,279 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students were eligible to apply.

Automatic Grant Awarding

Virginia Tech automatically awarded 奖助金 to students who:

  • Were an undergraduate, graduate, 根据大学注册办公室的定义,2021年秋季入学的专业学生至少有一半的时间;
  • Had a 2021-2022 FAFSA on file with a valid Expected Family Contribution (EFC); and,
  • Had an EFC less than $30,000.

Students who received scholarships, 奖助金, 或等于或超过就读费用的其他类型的“免费资金”被排除在自动发放的补助金之外,因为他们没有FAFSA的例外情况. 但是,这些学生有资格通过申请程序申请紧急补助金. 

Students were automatically awarded the following amounts:

  • EFC低于5,847美元的本科生获得2,500美元的资助;
  • EFC低于5,847美元的研究生和专业学生获得2,000美元的资助;
  • EFC大于或等于5美元的本科生,847 and less than or equal to $19,999 received a grant of $1,500;
  • EFC大于或等于5美元的研究生和专业学生,847 and less than or equal to $19,999 received a grant of $1,000; and,
  • Undergraduate, graduate, 以及EFC大于等于20美元的专业学生,000 and less than or equal to $29,999 received a grant of $1,000.


Emergency Grant Application Awarding

Beginning on October 26, 2021, 没有获得整笔助学金的学生可以通过奖学金中心申请紧急助学金. 学生们通过vtx -弗吉尼亚理工大学新闻和故事的学生版和通用版电子邮件通知了这一过程. 公告分别于10月25日、26日、27日、28日、29日和11月2日发布. The grant application closed on November 9, 2021. 


Grant Awarding for Students Enrolled for the Winter Session

On November 23 and December 2, 电子邮件被发送给冬季课程注册的本科生,他们从FAFSA获得的预期家庭贡献低于9美元,000. 只有不到400名本科生被告知,他们可以申请最高3美元的援助,500美元的第三期紧急基金,以协助他们支付冬季课程的学费和杂费. Students were provided with a link to apply for these 基金. 211名学生获得了助学金,以帮助他们支付冬季费用.

Grant Awarding to Assist with Meal Plan Increases

协助学生提高校内餐饮计划的年中用餐率, 弗吉尼亚理工大学使用HEERF III基金作为补助金,以抵消那些在12月10日之前参加校园餐饮计划的学生的增加, which was advertised in the VTX 新闻. For those students enrolled in the minor, 主要的, 大型, or premium flex plans, 并且预期家庭供款少于或等于$30,000, 该学生在具体计划中获得了数额增加的补助金. 资金被记入学生的财务账户,并退还给学生用于春季账单. 4,642 students received a grant between $100 and $215, 这取决于他们在12月10日加入的膳食计划.

注:全额奖学金或涵盖学费的奖学金学生, 费用, 房间, and board, 获得了奖学金的增加,以弥补这一差额,而不是HEERF III基金.

Grant Awarding for Students Enrolled for Spring Semester

In February, 符合佩尔资格的本科生如果被归类为州内学生,将获得234美元的补助金,如果被归类为州外学生,将获得236美元的补助金.  Approximately, 4,029 students received this award.

Additionally, 七名春季入学的本科生在联邦佩尔助学金资格范围之外的预期家庭贡献最低,他们获得了281美元的助学金.

以上是本季度末HEERF III学生部分更新的结论 March 31, 2022.


In April of 2022, 18名兽医学博士学生获得了1美元的资助,826 and $4,协助解决因调整后的临床轮换时间表而导致的与COVID相关的临床轮换计费问题.  这些助学金是提供给学生的,以便他们支付结余.

本季度末HEERF III学生部分更新就此结束 June 30, 2022 and is Virginia Tech’s Final Report.